Moving from AWS Loadbalancers to Nginx

We run a k8s cluster for our healthcare EMR application. At the time, we only had one public facing service, so we used a Kubernetes Service of Type LoadBalancer.
resource "kubernetes_service" "django" {
metadata {
name = "django"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.app_namespace.metadata[0].name
annotations = tomap(
"" = var.django_acm_arn,
"" = "443",
"" = "http"
spec {
type = "LoadBalancer"
port {
port = 443
target_port = var.django_port
protocol = "TCP"
name = "https"
selector = {
app : "django"
As time went on, we added more public facing services to the cluster each with their own loadbalancer. We also added a ELK stack with an exposed Kibana dashboard. So we decided to add an NGINX ingress controller that'd allow access to services.
resource "helm_release" "ingress-nginx" {
name = "ingress-nginx"
repository = ""
chart = "ingress-nginx"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.namespace.metadata[0].name
values = [
This will create a load balancer. Add/Modify A records to all services that you'll route through your NGINX ingress and point it to the newly created loadbalancer.
You'd also want to ensure that the endpoints run on HTTPS. For this we added a clusterissuer that'd issue SSL certificates to resources in the cluster. We used this module to add the cert-manager in our cluster.
module "cert-manager" {
source = "terraform-iaac/cert-manager/kubernetes"
version = "2.2.2"
cluster_issuer_email = ""
We add a kubernetes_ingress resource that'd route all requests for a particular domain to a particular service. We add an ingress resource for each resource since we generate a SSL certificate for each service with the domain. You could keep a common ingress resource with a wildcard domain SSL certificate and route all requests to difference services.
resource "kubernetes_ingress" "django_ingress" {
metadata {
name = "xxx-django-ingress"
namespace = "production"
annotations = {
"" = "nginx"
"" = "cert-manager"
spec {
tls {
hosts = [""]
secret_name = "cert-manager-private-key-django"
rule {
host = ""
http {
path {
path = "/"
backend {
service_name = "production-django"
service_port = 443
And then modify the service to be a ClusterIP service.
resource "kubernetes_service" "django" {
metadata {
name = "${var.environment}-django"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.app_namespace.metadata[0].name
spec {
type = "ClusterIP"
port {
port = 443
target_port = var.django_port
protocol = "TCP"
name = "https"
selector = {
app : "django"
We moved a bunch of our services which were exposed using individual loadbalancers to a single nginx ingress controller. A single loadbalancer costs around $22 .
1) (Read this if you are installing the module on M1 machines)
2) Securing NGINX-ingress | cert-manager
3) terraform-iaac/cert-manager/kubernetes | Terraform Registry
4) Docs overview | gavinbunney/kubectl | Terraform Registry