UUID vs Serials

UUID vs Serials

CREATE TABLE test_uuid (
    id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    name VARCHAR,
    phone VARCHAR,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default now(),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE foreign_uuid(
   id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
   test_id uuid,
   name VARCHAR(255),
   CONSTRAINT fk_uuid
   FOREIGN KEY(test_id) 
   REFERENCES test_uuid(id)

CREATE TABLE foreign_serial(
   id serial,
   test_id int,
   name VARCHAR(255),
   CONSTRAINT fk_id_serial
   FOREIGN KEY(test_id) 
   REFERENCES test_serial(id)

CREATE TABLE test_serial (
    id serial,
    name VARCHAR,
    phone VARCHAR,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default now(),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

I created two tables test_uuid and test_serial with uuid and serial columns as the primary keys respectively.  Both these tables have approximately a million rows.

There are two more tables foreign_serial and foreign_uuid which have foreign keys to test_serial and test_uuid . Both of these tables have 100,000 records.

The following are the benchmarks for different operations on the two columns. All of the queries have been run multiple times. The results posted denote the median duration for execution.

The benchmark was run on postgres 13 running on a linode machine with 1 CPU and 2 GB memory

Order By


Execution Time: 857.755 ms

2. Serial

Execution Time: 264.139 ms

Accessing a row

The difference is negligible for both UUID and Serial columns.


Running a join on a large set of rows
1.  UUID

Execution Time: 958.832 ms

2. Serial

Execution Time: 121.893 ms

Running a join on a single row

Execution Time: 12.991 ms

2. Serial

Execution Time: 18.261 ms

Group By


Execution Time:  1376.974 ms

2. Serial

Execution Time: 771.580 ms

Summarising, UUIDs seem to perform worse than serial/int columns on operations involving n rows, sometimes by a magnitude of 3.

Benchmarking UUID and Integer in Python

There aren't many resources that describe how postgres internally stores UUID values. So I created a binary tree with integer and UUID values (values converted to integer) with 1000 nodes and did a small benchmark.

>>> # generate a tree with 1000 integers
>>> int_tree = binary_tree_int(1000)
>>> int_timer = timeit.Timer(lambda: int_tree.find(947))
>>> int_timer.timeit(3)
Binary Tree With Plain Integer Values
>>> # generate a tree with 1000 uuid values
>>> uuid_tree = binary_tree_uuid(1000)
>>> uuid_timer = timeit.Timer(lambda: uuid_tree.find(145519741522210453075912730917727185547))
>>> uuid_timer.timeit(2)
Binary Tree With UUID Values (UUID converted to Integer)

There's a stark difference with respect to performance when you compare UUID to integer values. Serial values have a storage size of 4 bytes and UUID values take 16 bytes of storage.